What is a sure sign of maturity?

Ahh that kind of happened to me. Towards the end I was working full time, realised I'd rather be sober and functional/profitable, and wound up dealing with a housemate who couldn't make ends meet (Food<cigarettes), would get angry when there was no weed (storming about the house bullshit saying he just wants a cone), would leave dishes to soak, bitch when I wouldn't take out the trash after I'd been doing it for months after I got home from work (erasing the bill schedule to write a tally of times he'd taken out the trash), claimed it was my responsibility to remind him of bills to pay me for (he wouldn't set reminders in his phone for some bullshit reason), and the final straw being him going to a fucking night club and spending his rent money that he'd said he would leave on the counter before going out and avoiding me for days afterwards until I brought it up and he said they essentially "made" him buy drinks and nobody paid him back.

I moved out with no notice but said I'd keep paying rent, and cover my share of relevant utilities, until they had a new housemate. I also got rage texts calling me a cunt, that I did it right before Christmas (I moved November 26th, on my fucking birthday because I couldn't handle it anymore, and he called losing his shit. Bonus points for an economics final that day, and he went searching for cigarettes in my bedroom while I was out) as I cost him money (somehow?), and while he was away for a weekend I got texts saying I should have left a letter explaining how to transfer utilities and how much of a fucktard I was (awkwardly enough he texted me two days later when he was actually at home and noticed I'd left a note explaining when things were due and how to transfer things and apologised).

I found out they had a new housemate from an instagram photo, and if I hadn't seen that I would have still been paying three months on. He'd amassed about $500 in debt from utilities, food, and rent. I was alright to wait until he got a job, after I'd not seen him for like 8 months I find out he had one and I asked for the money. He started trying to get money for random repairs around the house, started trying to reduce it to zero, told people he "doesn't even know how much...owe that guy anymore", and started ignoring my emails until I told him I'd spent well over two grand, and I'd be more than willing to sue him for the money at this point. Somehow he found the money.

TL;DR: This kind of became a rant, sorry. But the moral is cut out the cancers in your life; you'll be much better off, and you'll make new friends and do things you would have never been able to do if you'd stayed around that. I'm about 22 now, I've nearly finished my bachelors (and picked up a diploma in the mean time), my grades have gone from passes to distinctions, I'm actually social now and less angry at everything, and recently picked up a job related to what I'm studying. None of that would have happened if I was shackled with a drug fucked, and self-centred housemate/friends.

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