The Future of BIOSHOCK? The Patch #123

BioShock New Orbis Opening Card "Off the Coast of the Motherland Mid-1960s" The main character, let's call him Abram, is looking in the mirror standing in an all white room and looks down at a stainless steel table with a note on the table, but is directed to you comrade, brother. Abram walks out the door and as he steps outside it's very bright and as his eyes adjust he sees a rocket sitting in the middle of the island next to a cylindrical building. This is when you gain control. As you walk towards the building you here the USSR national anthem increasing from a faint whisper to a blaring screech. As you walk in and up the building you see propaganda of, “Do it for the motherland.” and “The stars are within OUR grasp.” As you reach the top you get a prompt to “Press X to Interact” and as you do you get two prompts: “Press X if You are Sure You are Ready to Enter” and “Press B if you are Really Sure” After you press any button you lose control again Abram looks down at his helmet and sees himself for the last time. He takes a long sigh for the last time. He puts on his helmet and steps off the earth for the last time. Abram sits down for a few seconds and then all at once you’re off the ground. As you leave the earth for the first time the world around you shakes violently, your controller shakes violently and then you break the clouds and everything seems to be at peace, for the last time. But that’s just an illusion as everything begins to shake even more violently until finally your home is behind you and you see it, the city above the world. It's beautiful, in a weird peacefully somber way, as it's a giant rock with buildings atop it surrounded by glass.

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