I had a boss who was anal retentive - nitpicked everything and barely showed respect to anyone he was paying hourly. His commission employees were treated like royalty. He would show off by enforcing weird demands and exercising his power. He held a really toxic work environment. I was a teen and needed the money.
I got called in to work on my day off under the pretense I needed to help the other receptionist. Only 1 worked at a time so I figured it must be busy. I walked in and this boss led me to the toilet, propped it up and told me I didn’t know how to clean a toilet seat. (No exaggeration, it was a spec of shit) he then told me to clean it. After, I was sent home by one of my managers and she said “I really don’t know why he called you in.”
I called him and told him I was done. I was mad but not shocked. After 9 months of his shit, that was it.
I now work for his competitor and I am the general manager of the business.