What is too easy to get addicted to?

Thank you. I was addicted to it for about a year - 100% of my time awake was spent stoned, with a good portion of my sleep as well (bed high = splendid sleep for me). I work, but I was going through so much I was constantly borrowing money for food, transport and other necessities.

I ended up breaking the addiction when I had been dry for two days and went for a drive with some mates. They noticed I looked sick, and I mentioned I'd been dry and "when I don't smoke I end up feeling sick". Long story short they gave me the talk I needed and I quit cold turkey - a mistake, but one I'm proud of. Over the next week I slept a total of four hours while dealing with constant anxiety and mood swings. I was constantly having arguments with myself in my head - "Drink some whisky, that will put you to sleep", "Take some pain killers, they're sedatives" and "Just pound some cough syrup" were the most common thoughts causing turmoil. With good friends and my own sheer willpower I managed to stay totally clean long enough for it to ease up, but it was an incredibly difficult week.

The worst part about it is when my friends told me I was addicted my answer was "I know." People have made such a case for weed being not addictive and being a "safe" drug that when I got to the point where I needed help I was too scared to look for it. I wanted to go to NA since I knew they'd help me, but I was terrified of being laughed out of the meeting for not being addicted to a "real" narcotic. I wanted to reach out to friends but I held back thanks to the same fear - "you can't get addicted to weed, stop being a poser." Let me be perfectly clear about it all; I'm not saying weed is super dangerous - especially compared to what else is around, honestly including alcohol. But the way people treat it now is giving it a new danger supplied entirely by society.

For the people who insist it's completely safe, here are some of the things that happened to me as a direct result of smoking so much:

  • until one month after quitting I couldn't eat more than two mouthfuls of food without feeling sick or full, since the munchies were no longer fuelling my appetite. I smoked away my appetite.

  • before I started smoking I had trouble sleeping at night in general. Since smoking I have been diagnosed with sleep onset insomnia and by the looks of it that's never going away. Without sedatives I need to be in bed for over an hour before I have any hope of falling asleep - and that's when I'm tired as hell and all I want to do is sleep.

  • my memory has deteriorated to the point of a joke. I forget things mere hours after they happen sometimes now - as far as I can tell not much I can do about that either.

There's more, but I feel I've made my point. Just because it's the cool, easy drug that everybody does doesn't mean it can't be just as dangerous as other consciousness altering drugs.

Don't listen to the stigma. You can get addicted to weed, and it does fucking suck. If you're addicted and know it, don't let the idea of it not being a "real" narcotic stop you from seeking help. You deserve to be able to live how you want, and if that means getting help with this then don't let anything get in your way.

Tl;dr weed is addictive and although great can do bad stuff. Stigma is bad, get help if you need it - all drugs are real drugs.

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