What toxic behavior has been normalized by society?

Crazy sexually desperate men are a danger to society

No, crazy people can potentially be a danger to society.

A man's mental health, in most cases, is directly tied to his sex life. It is biologically imperative for men to spread their seed, and we've evolved in such a way that sex, including the act of connecting with another person on that level, can improve the mental state of a man. You know how in media after a guy gets laid there's always someone saying, "Wow, you look really good/happy. Who's the girl?" That doesn't just happen in entertainment.

What you're talking about are unstable people who should be on some sort of medication in order to fix that instability or in some sort of anger management system to help mitigate their impulses. Men have a tendency to act out physically whereas women have a tendency to manipulate. For every guy that hurts another person there's a woman who lies and cries foul. For every guy that hurts another person there's a woman who lies about being raped. Shitty people aren't relegated to one sex.

Alice Cooper's song Bed of Nails really is my favorite quote when it comes to these kinds of topics since it describes the situations really well:

Yeah we're gonna fight
We do it every night
Baby when you scratch
You know I'm gonna bite
You can make me die
I can make you cry

A problem arises, someone attacks, the other fights back. Generally, assuming things don't hit a boiling point and neither person is super shitty, the most that a guy will do is fight back with as much power that was sent his way. Sometimes, though, one person is super shitty. That's when you get into physical violence from either party, you have the woman making false claims of physical or sexual abuse, or you have the guy spreading rumours about the woman's promiscuity. Extremely rarely will you run into someone who is unstable. It could be either party and both men and women have the potential to kill another human.

I sick and tired of hearing that men are a danger to society when women have that same potential and more. A false rape accusation destroys a man's life, even if it is proven that the woman lied. The man loses his employment, family, friends, and any potential to regain those things. The reverse doesn't happen to women.

If women start believing that every man is out there to get them then there is a bias towards every action taken by a man. Even things done in good faith, like complimenting someone's hair or nails; holding the door for them; or offering to help has the potential to be taken out of context. There is no escape and nothing the man can do to alleviate that. So stop it.

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