What trait did your parent(s) give you that cursed you and benefitted you?

I'm tenacious.

It's good because I don't give up easily. Difficulties don't deter me unless I throw myself against them so many times that I break. I'll break, stitch myself back together, and get up. Over, and over, and over again. I do it until I either succeed or cannot do it anymore...

It also means I don't know when to quit or ask for help. And, even when I do know, it's difficult for me.

Like, right now, I'm drafting an email to a friend. They have access to papers I'd like to have. It makes my skin fucking crawl to admit I need help getting them; it makes me feel like I didn't try hard enough or I'm incapable of getting them myself....

But I'm doing it, difficult as it is for me, because they're always telling me how it's okay to ask for help. So, as much as it makes me anxious, I know they won't put me down for asking for help.

/r/AskReddit Thread