What unbelievable thing did you think somebody was lying about that turned out to be 100% true?

This kid I went to high school with used to complain to me and a bunch of other girls during a library period about how his penis was SO large it was actually a big issue. That he had problems with underwear and pants that weren't baggy and he was afraid that he wasn't going to be able to find anyone that would be willing to fuck him. We never believed him obviously but it really did sound more sad then actual bragging which was different.

The day he was going on about something or other and one of my more loud mouth friends told him to prove it. Picture, anything or shut the fuck up. So he actually did it. We went behind a stack and he pulled out what is still to this day the lastest penis I have ever seen even in porn and it was soft. We screamed so loud we almost got detention. I still have no idea exactly how large it was but nothing he said about it seemed like an exaggeration.

/r/AskReddit Thread