What is up with the current trend of basically every new game not meeting expectations or being broken in some way?

Some bugs or glitches are still funny, like what you can do with pubg vehicles, but I get your point.

With the tickrate example the situation is different. It is not a bug for one. I don't think many people at all would have noticed it, but it does affect hit registration and such, so I think a lot of people would have just complained about the symptoms caused by the low tickrate - now they are just able to complain about the exact thing that is wrong.

The point is who will notice the tickrate, though. It's a shady thing to do especially when the beta had it right and we can say that a lower tickrate is objectively worse with proof. If they, for example, decided to completely rebalance all the weapons from what they were in beta - that's more subjective thing and no one can straight up say that this is wrong (well, unless of course every weapon did literally 0 damage or some other edge case) so this would have been fine.

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