What video game was an absolute masterpiece?

Oh yeah, of course. I tried both of those out after I learnt about them, but during my first run of the game (completely blind), I expected the End fight to be...

Well... slower, I suppose, and in a less-enclosed area. I expected a multi-hour fight that involved patience and stealth. I anticipated a true sniper duel unlike anything I had ever experienced, in which I would have to utilize all of my techniques and skills, no matter how subtle, to gain a tactical edge over my vastly more-skilled opponent.

After that initial period of raving like a madman in the rain about the fun I was about to have (and waiting for the rain to end), I tried to slink around corners and explore the area I was in to get a better feel for my surroundings, and found the area empty. There had been a supply shed, so I assumed there would be more cool stuff like that scattered around the forest/battlefield, yet... empty.

So I moved to another area, and started to crawl through the grass. I was then sniped multiple times from above. In no position to retaliate, I ran away, before spent a cruel ten minutes storming through all my food, wondering why my stamina was draining so quickly. I hunted and killed about a dozen rabbits before I found those damn tranquilizer darts stuck in me.

I decided to reset then and try a different approach. It was then that I learnt it was as easy as crouch-walking around with the heaviest gun you have, spraying the End with lead, then sprinting after that old flash-banging bastard before he could get away and hide again. If I lost him, I pulled out my microphone, located the general direction of snoring, and flanked.

It was over in what felt like but a few minutes, and I was left a disappointed panda.

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