What will the world be like in 2030?

The world as you know it will be gone. 99.9% of humans will be dead...

Climate Change starts off with flooding coastal cities making people move inland. At first it won't be as drastic but by 2023 a giant earthquake that will be felt worldwide will cause cities to crumble and tsunamis to wash away civilizations far and wide. This will cause the earth to dramatically change. Oceans , rivers and water ways will connect into the main lands. Continents will be broken down into smaller islands. Fresh water will be contaminated, and animals will once again dominate the earth.

I of course will be fine since I am aware of this situation since I read it in my horoscope last Tuesday. I will make friends with the animals; In particular a dolphin by the name of Zeus who will evolve and learn the English language. We will combat the Crab People who escaped from the earth’s core during the Great disaster of 2023. Together Zeus and I will gather other humans and Dolphins and settle on the lone livable continent now name Dingledore. Dingledore will be most likely made up of snow and mountains providing us with fresh water. Snow Monkeys will replace the dogs as man’s new best friends and will also account for our main source of milk. Snow Monkey milk will be the base of our economy in the beginning. Until the Crab People make their presence known… and World War 6 will be take place.

By 2028 we will have defeated most of the Crab People and started to recreate civilization. It will be rough at first, but by 2029 we will have towns built that would resemble something out of the wild west, but in an more arctic climate. This arctic climate will be the only place to obtain fresh water from our snow melt. The Dolphins will help us fish the seas, the Snow Monkeys will evolve to farm the land and become our main consultants of agriculture. 2030…. Zeus will be elected the world President becoming the first ever Dolphin President… After he deems humans to be unsafe and the cause of all world disasters he will demand all humans be sent to FEMA camps were they will be treated as slaves to scientific experiments. I will plead with Zeus to let our people go, but I will ultimately be sentenced to a trial by combat. I must fight the head Snow Monkey Zulu Cantana for my life. Ultimately, after a two hour battle, I will meet my fate. Zulu will strike me with a large mallet… Zeus will see the hurt in my eyes. He comes to my side. As I die in his flippers I leave him with these last words, “OP is a fag”.

/r/Futurology Thread