What work moment made your attitude go from proud employee to "I'm just here for the paycheck."?

Not sure if this can count because I'm not paid but I'm currently working a student placement at a nursery to gain experience before university. I used to love going there and it was always the highlight of my week. I gradually started to realise that I was being used for all of the bad jobs which they didn't want to do. Like sweeping and cleaning the garden in snow, cleaning my managers office, spending over an hour scrubbing all the walls, and spending a couple of hours scrubbing mops and buckets. Eventually had a meeting with my manager where she pointed out that I don't smile enough and even rang my college to point this out. I basically have enough hours to fulfil this part of my student placement but she still tried to get me in over my break to work because the nursery was busy and, quote, "I want the nursery relabeling so you can do that". Needless to say I didn't go in and got some work done instead. To top it all off the girl I worked with started vomiting on Thursday and rather than sending her home as the policy requires since we work with children, she forced her to work the rest of the week with all the babies which is even riskier. Then we recently found out that were not supposed to make food for the children as we don't have food hygiene certificates but the only ones that do are the two people who never leave the office so we've had to continue making it. Sorry that this is super long and I'm definitely forgetting some stuff but at this point I'm just starting to think that this is how all students are treated because my boyfriend is treated pretty badly at his restaurant. I'll delete this in a bit just in case, but I just really needed to get all this off my chest.

/r/AskReddit Thread