What is the worst possible way to be rejected?

She lead me on for quite a while. It started over a year ago when I told her I liked her, and she gave some Mixed feelings back, which should have been the first red flag. Saying stuff like she would like to go on some dates with me but she couldn’t date until she was 16. After that we texted, had those weird date things where we call them hanging out but it’s kinda more of a date, and then COVID hit. We still texted a lot but didn’t meet up in person a lot. It genuinely felt like the feeling between us was mutual, and we where just too Awkward to talk about it with each other. There was another dude she was friends with that I was kinda uh sus about. During a conversation with her about more series topics I brought it up and and asked if it was anything, and she said it wasn’t. Fast forward a few more months and it’s almost a entire year later and a week or two after her 16th birthday. I bring up the question and was told that she’s been dating the dude I was sus about for about 4 months, and said she never really felt like a relationship could work, she jus didn’t want to hurt my feelings. So she lead me on for about a year. She didn’t owe anything to me to tell me she had a boyfriend but she clearly knew how I felt about her, so it really hurts. She hasn’t talked to me in a while so I sent her a text and asked if she didn’t have time for me anymore because of her boyfriend, and she said. “Well, I will be around”

/r/AskReddit Thread