What is your biggest emotional secret that is burdening you right now?

I’m 32, single, a mom, and bisexual but never told my family (about the bisexual part ha), scared and not sure how to pursue any type of relationship with my same sex in fear of ridicule or being accused of being a fake. I have emotional baggage from a situation ship where we both caught feelings, but then I was simply discarded literally like garbage when he found someone better. (2 years ago, still causing me a lot of pain and grief, holding speculations why I wasn’t good enough). Work full time, own home and upkeep it, do my best to be the best mom, stay up on chores, make sure child is fed, bathed, loved and I can’t have one glass of wine because my ex is in recovery (happy for him) and I would be a trigger. Can’t have a day off because I won’t leave my child overnight with his father and my mothers favorite line is “well I did it alone when I was your age”,

/r/AskMen Thread