What was your biggest "shit, my parents were right" moment?

When I was 16 I went to the mall with my best friend Erin. Erin I hope you’re reading this, fuck you!
Completely unbeknownst to me, she stole a pair of Winnie the fucking Pooh earrings from Macy’s. Grabbed them as we walked by, put them in her pocket, and we got into my car. Seconds later Macy’s security opened our car doors screaming “give me my stuff!” Terrifying for a minute! Anyway we both got charged with shoplifting. I went to my court date and did not tell my parents because I didn’t want to get in trouble. I was found guilty and had to pay an $800 fine. So I had to tell my dad anyway! He was furious- said I ruined my life, if I told him earlier he could have gotten a lawyer, gotten it erased off my record...
now let’s flash forward to age 38, over 20 years later...I apply for the TSA precheck and am DENIED because of that shoplifting charge.

/r/AskReddit Thread