What is your crazy people gun story?

A roommate of mine accidentally fired my gun off in our apartment one time. I was like of course it's mine and not one of his. He said he wanted to buy it so he was checking it out. He didn't "check out" the magazine to see if it was unloaded or not though. My GF at the time was there and thought it was so funny, but didn't understand why I was was running my hands up and down her body as soon as we heard it go off. She honestly thought I was just trying to be frisky or some stupid shit. Luckily, the bullet hit this like sliver of a wall that separates the front door and this other wall (kind of hard to explain). If it was an two inches to the right it was going to go through our front door and be on track to hit the front door 15 feet in front of ours. Luckily we lived in a more ghetto area so the cops didn't get called, but it was a terrible experience. At the time I was 17 and in a state where a minor can possess a hand gun (just can't buy one), but it wasn't like I was living with any type of a guardian or anything like that. I moved out a few months later and stopped talking to the guy.

/r/guns Thread