What is your favorite story to tell at a party?

I had a short foray into the world of amateur porn photography when I was the cameraman on a Bang Bus-type porn shoot.

It was really fucking low rent. Our "talent" was some fat assed Guido dude who looked like Wario and a meth-addicted hooker who kept asking -- including during filming -- when she was gonna get her meth. We kept telling her she was getting paid money, not drugs, and that what she did with that money was her business.

But still, even with the explanation, she would be taking Wario's dick while he twirled his mustache and plotted against the plumbers, would look up straight into the camera and hiss through her not teeth "when'da get my chalk?" (apparently this a term for meth -- the more you know).

Apparently to this human trash receptacle money and chalk were one and the same since that was where the money was going anyway, so she'd just as soon skip straight to the drugs. And though we were a scandalous lot, methamphetamine is not something we had readily available in the glove box.

After a few horrifying minutes of the least interesting man in the world stuffing his half-soft cock into the flapping fuck tunnel of Walter White's best customer it mercifully came to an end with a money shot with no money, so to speak. The guy pulled out and started jerking his limp dick and making all the requisite orgasm sounds while Gollum's uglier sister sat there dutifully with her jack'o'lantern mouth agape ready to receive the fruits of their labor, only homeboy was shooting invisible ink.

Perhaps he imagined we'd hire Industrial Light and Magic to add some thick ropes during post, but suffice it to say, it wasn't in the budget.

Oh, and the van broke down during the shoot. Twice.

If nothing else, the entire experience was what made me decide to go the fuck back to school.

TL;DR -- My friends love the story of when I shot a Bang Bus type of porn scene. To call it amateur porn would be understating it by a magnitude. A guy who fucked his wife and accidentally left the lens cap on would be considered more professional.

/r/AskReddit Thread