What is your "Fuck this, I'm out!" moment?

I used to be a project manager at a construction company. Over the few years I was there, the staff slowly dwindled down to just a handful of people with more and more responsibilities being piled onto my desk while the other project managers mostly just farted around and waited for lunch to go get drunk. They would also try to bully me because I wasn't one of those macho F-150 dudes, you know your standard middle-aged southern construction worker. No, I was the "college boy" who was handling literally all of their accounting because these shidiots couldn't even use their email. This day to day horseshit carries on for the better part of three years. One day, someone asked me a question before our meeting began while everyone was making small talk. When I answered, a project manager who had been a thorn in my side for years, suddenly cuts me off and threatens to stab me for talking over him. The rest of the room just laughs. I quit the next day. Good luck keeping track of your budget and not getting shitfucked by corporate you piece of shit.

/r/AskReddit Thread