Do you think parents are to blame for unruly children in public and why?

Yesterday was Boxing Day and I work in a makeup shop. This lady comes in with her two boys while the two boys were trashing the shop and digging their fingers into eyeshadow palettes. After around 15 minutes of trying to stop the boys from opening new products and throwing things and running around, I reminded her that the store has lots of corners and the boys might injure themselves, she proceeded to lead me and the kids to the door and TOLD me to look after her kids while she browsed the store. So our door duty girl helped look after the kids and the boys kept running into the store thinking it’s a game and trying to trash things as fast as possible and run back out. This went on for 30 minutes or more. We tried to just be as nice as possible because we’re a new business and the store was filled with customers, so we didn’t want to cause a scene. But in the end I don’t know if it was worth it. The kids destroyed some really nice eyeshadows, trashed the sink and the mother didn’t even apologise.
TLDR: Don’t have kids if you’re not gonna look after them thank bye

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