What is your opinion on PUAs and its culture/community?

I think that a lot of it isn't as bad as many people make it out to be. I've seen everything from classic self help to meditation, sometimes bordering on zen Buddhist teaching to slimy and uncomfortable things espoused. Like a lot of things what you find varies greatly in accuracy, usefulness, weirdness and morality. Its not unlike things that people do in Business and Finance to get ahead, some people are willing to fuck over their own grandmothers to try to get rich, some people run pyramid schemes in real life, others are just genuinely trying to provide for their own or be authentic and happy.

Some of it is actually helpful and something people need to hear. Like for me probably the biggest thing I took away is that it ok to be openly sexual in your intentions as a man. For a bit of a real talk break here, when i was young I had this thing in my head that male sexuality was dangerous, or creepy and that anyone would reject it if offered openly. This left me feeling like my only option was to conceal this and hope for the best. I remember reading somewhere about just being open, you know not like touching people or stalking people, but just open with where your at given its an appropriate time and place, and that makes a lot of sense. Like theres a lot of people out there that would probably like to fuck each other but never do because they are both afraid to be overtly sexual and broach the topic. Plus all the anti friend zone stuff, what do they say? if you have romantic interest in someone be open about it early.

Not saying there aren't bad people with bad advice out there, because there are, but there are also people out there selling penis pills that they and everyone else know don't work, but they'll keep doing it till the FDA makes them stop.

/r/AskMen Thread