What is your opinion of Trigger Warnings?

omg. just wow

you're ridicolous. - "saying not to overuse TW is damaging" trigger warnings do not mean anything because theyre fucking overused - you may just as well stumble upon a sentence that may trigger you Far more severely. and then you will understand why overusing them is bad.

I had a panic attack the other day because I didn't feel comfortable letting someone know they were doing something that was triggering.

as bad as this sounds - this is entirely your problem and no one elses. i get if you informed them and asked them not to do whatever it was they did that triggered you...but you didnt. so now deal with the consequences, dont put this on anyone else.

Also - the internet is different from real life, there is a veil of anonymity here, always will be. people act differently irl versus on the net - i personally do, almost everyone i know also does. you cannot censor internet, never will be able to. if you are upset by someone saying something, speak to them - ask them not to, if that doesnt work (and theyre not breaking some rule wherever it is theyre speaking) you're on your own essentially.

also i feel bad for saying this but - if you dont like something...you dont have to be here (wherever here is, not this subreddit in particular) part of internets appeal is that we can say whatever we like, this has always been this way and always will be this way. any ban can be easily bypassed, especially a website ban. so whomever told you whatever triggered you can always come back and do it again. so you telling "i didnt ask for advice or feedback" - no one has to care, they can still say whatever they like as long as it abides rules of the place theyre posting stuff on. i dont think you realise this.

bottom line is that you either deal with it, or you dont , but dont expect other people to change their behaviour ( they might if theyre nice, but dont take it as granted) this is not an utopia, it wont be for a REALLY long time (if ever). im not talking of how things should be, but rather how they are. deal with reality.

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