What in your opinion is true and what is absolute bullshit when talking about New-Age concepts.


I don't believe in reincarnation because I strongly believe time is linear. Reincarnation can only happen in circular/cyclic/spiral. Now I live in the SE US, but I was born and raised in SE Asia. When I was little, my cousins told me that I would get to meet my family members in the US if I dig the ground deep enough. I believed my cousins and did some silly and embarrassing kiddy experiments, that's how I got very interested in geography, and it was easy for me to accept the fact that the earth is round when I learn it at school. To me, the linear time concept makes more sense if we believe the earth is flat. I'm not and will never be a flat earth believer.

So I believed that time is circular/cyclic because I accepted that earth is round with a slight dent at the poles. Also, I used to entertain myself with some sort of time machine that if time is circular, going to the future would send me right back to the past time. It makes sense at the time because I just learned about Egyptians and how advanced their pyramids. That would mean the past is also the future, and that makes sense at the time to me because "history repeat itself" right? Fashion design repeatings was one of my examples that convinced my belief that time is circular. But when I learn mathematical, geography, chemistry, and history, it becomes increasingly impossible for me to continue to believe time is circular.

I'm not a mathematician, but speaking in math terms, if time is circular then it will have its maximum and minimum value, and may even become zero again from time to time. But time is constantly going forward and is increasing in its value. It may seem like time is repeating itself because the sun comes up every morning and goes down every night. But we have to remember that every time a sun goes down we're getting a day older, and our physical body is the proof that we do not become a child again physically. Getting Alzheimer's is not being childlike, and being a puer does prevent anyone from getting wrinkly.

Soul Mates

I could never understand the definition of soulmate as used by spiritualists or alike. I think that anyone could be our soulmates if we're willing to convince ourselves as that. Many people mistake attraction(and the feeling behind sunk cost fallacy. I tried to find the English term, but I don't find any exact term that describes it) as love, so I don't see any reason I should upset people's belief with facts.

Tarot, Astrology, Tribe connections (meaning sharing lifes with the same "souls" during each reincarnation) brain as a reciever of consciousness instead of emitter. DMT as a representation of the Collective Unconsciousness.

I'm not familiar with these.

Mediums etc

Some of my ancestors practice shamanism, and it almost always involves medium if they want to find out about something in the past. I'm a Christian, and I believe medium practice is help from fallen angels who roamed around the earth since they're evicted from heaven. I think that angels still do have their powers, so they're like gods for humans. I think it's fair that some people would want to worship gods since some even worship stick and stones.

/r/Jung Thread