What do your parents deny ever happening? How has this affected you?

Please do if you can, only for yourself. I understand where you are coming from a little, because nobody in my family was comfortable talking about my anorexia, even when I was so ill that it was plainly obvious to everyone what was going on, and these days it is just a complete blind spot in my past for my family. It's like it never happened. Same thing for the depression that I suffered during and afterwords, although thankfully they are a little bit more willing to talk about that; I feel like it freaks them out a little less because they can understand it better. It is hard having such a big part of your life (for better or for worse, it is true) being ignored or written out by your family.

Not saying you are in the same situation I was in; my mom is - and was - the most supportive, loving person I know, but she just didn't know how to deal with my issues or talk about them. It sounds like you are in a much more negative situation. But treatment helped me so much, even though I resented it at the time, and I can say that I am completely recovered. I mention that not out of pride, but because I know that when I was in the thick of it, one of the hardest parts of the whole thing was the feeling that I would never be able to be fully recovered. I thought obsessing over calories and feeling uncomfortable at every meal was going to be my entire life, because it was so entrenched in my thinking. But at some point -after a few years of therapy- all of it just faded away. Hopefully that doesn't come across as too didactic; I just really empathize with you, I know how dangerous these things are, and I thought maybe I could give you just a little hope for the future.

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