What is your RT turn-off? In other words, what makes you immediately turn off a video/podcast when it happens?

As someone who used to wait every Friday for the new Minecraft Let's Play to come out to now just having them on for background noise generally, my turn off was really just the quality of the content that they produce now. My biggest problem is that they release content that just isn't funny anymore. Did anyone really want a 3rd fishing episode? While I will admit I almost shit my pants laughing when the tornado hit, had that not been in it, I would have just continued to have it on in the background. And while the things the build crew makes is amazing, nothing beats the episodes where they get dropped on a map and have to survive and figure out what to do. To this day, my favorite Let's Play is 2 due to everyone being new and not know exactly what they were doing, and because they were all working towards a common goal that at the time could be considered hard to do. I don't understand how some of their content get released honestly. Creeper Soccer? I Spy? Shopping List? They just sound like major turn offs and like they were made to be background noise that will occasionally catch my attention.

I also don't like everyone beating the same 8 jokes to death in the comments of every video. Due to that I can't hardly watch any of the live stuff due to the constant cringes the community displays. I mean, you see how the attitude of the AH panel was and you could defiantly see that they were over the jokes and constant shouting after the first 5 minutes. I would have lost it at Let's Play Live.

So in the end, my turn offs are:

  1. The boring content and background noise Let's Plays they made for a while (I will admit they have gotten a whole lot better from that run right after 25 to about 81 with about 20 good ones in there).

  2. Our community that wants to constantly emulate Ray and Michael.

  3. And yes, I don't really like the puns from Barbara either, but I'd rather have those then 1&2. They don't bother me to a point where I turn the video off.

Ill probably edit this with more as I think of them.

/r/roosterteeth Thread