What is your view on tax (not rates but their purpose)?

It's frustrating to be taxed heavily when it takes you until your mid thirties or even later to finally start to earn anything worth taxing, so not only have you missed out on having a family (assuming you didn't just fuck anyway in your mid twenties and let the taxpayer pick up the tab) and you've either bought a house which cost you several hundred thousand more than it should, in which case you're hoping like hell rates don't skyrocket, or one where you get a first hand account of the goings on in HNZ neighborhoods because that's all you can responsibly afford.

My problem personally with taxes is that getting to this point has been like crawling through broken glass for 15 years. I lived in shitty moldy flats, I paid way too fucking much for a degree, I worked my ass off in low paying jobs, and now that FINALLY that work has paid off to some extent, apparently I owe a huge percentage of it to a system that never supported me anyway because I wasn't a single mother and I actually worked.

Our tax system feels fucking punitive if you make good decisions and try not to be a burden on the public.

/r/newzealand Thread Parent