What is your "we will never speak of this again" moment?

My buddy had an early version of Windows 8 (might have actually been an Alpha build) and stepped out of the room, telling me to feel free to click through. I was checking everything from audio playback, to video playback - then I went into the photos library to see how the slideshow worked, knowing I'd only go into the stock photos folder and not his personal shit. The stupid jigsaw GUI of Windows 8 had a thumbnail of his girlfriend nude on shuffle through as the cover photo for one of his personal folders.

I closed it out, not wanting to talk about it. When he came in the room to show me some more cool features, the jigsaw piece from the root Windows 8 slide for the entire "Photos" app shuffled through all the contents and the nude photo came up there too.

He just went "oh.... Ya...." We moved on and never talked about it again.

/r/AskReddit Thread