Whats a company secret you can share now that you dont work there?

Used to work for "Brisby" employee help desk. This was several years ago.

All calls queues inbound: Brisby World, Brisby Corporate, Brisby Land, Global Brisby (outside of USA), BCD Radio (sometimes assholes), BCD TV (almost always guaranteed to be assholes), and...SEPN. The lowest fucking common denominator of intelligence on the fucking planet.

Holy fucking shit people there were so fucking stupid. They'd call in: "My password doesn't work." Me: "Which one?" (Because they have access to Active Directory like every other corporate soul in pretty much the known universe, SAP for payroll, mainframe for...Christ only knows, other shit...) Them: "The one for my computer, dummy, why do you think I'm calling?" Me: "Hold please." On hold at least three minutes because fuck you you piece of shit I'm trying to do my job and I need one tiny fucking piece of information in order to get you taken care of and because all you give a fuck about is some fucking sport that involves a ball and it's all you can think about and you have at best a ninth grade education you think you can talk down to people? You're gonna wait. Because fuck you.

Brisby Global people were always polite. Especially Brisby Japan. SAP developers from India usually had an accent so thick you'd be there a while trying to decipher (I'm a bit deaf too so that doesn't help). Like I said, BCD TV people were almost always assholes. A certain gentleman of Greek parentage and political power with the Donkey party called in once for getting his password taken care of to a coworker. Back then (several...almost twenty years ago) you needed two of three things: answer to your secret question that you programmed, last four of SSN or birthday. Said individual refused to give those out. My buddy refused to reset his password. Dude got all huffy and said: "Don't you know who I am?" My buddy responded: "Yes, but you don't know who I am" and hung up on him. Still one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. Brisby World and Land people were usually polite too because being on the phone with you meant they didn't have to work for a bit. Brisby Corporate was usually OK but there was the occasional one that would bite your head off because you're there. (Usually women...sorry.)

People would get uppity if you wouldn't reset their password for them and tell them the new password. We did that for a bit but got told by Corporate to stop. They had to do it themselves on the network. I know at least one woman working for BCD TV out of NYC got so upset that she had to go to her office in order to reset it. Trip was one hour each way from Long Island or something. It wasn't our fault and her remote connection wasn't working and it was out of our hands. (Same buddy handled that one since he was in the BCD queue.) Others would try and designate their admin assistants (or in Jerry Bruckheimer, producer's assistants) to get them to reset their shit. If they didn't have the two of the three things, it wasn't happening.

If you were a frequent flyer (frequent caller and troublemaker) and tried to get us in trouble for doing our jobs the right way, you could sit up to ten minutes in queue. One lady was the admin assistant for the manager of the Grand...Orlandian...Hotel and she caused and talked a lot of shit with our department. I left her on hold until she hung up on my last night, I think she lasted nine minutes.

The Company was all about the United Way contribution and getting so many employees to contribute. (I don't know if this is still a thing; maybe it was just East Coast...I dunno. Like I said, this WAS a while ago.) One time a security captain called and said one of his employees needed to reset her SAP password so she could make her contribution. I could tell right away this woman really didn't want to give up part of her well earned paycheck for this bullshit, but so it goes. I was polite the whole time, and when I said "have a good night" before ending the call, she was like "Yeah, it's just another fucking wonderful night here at Brisby." I laughed because foul language does not fly around those parts on property, and she certainly was. A few weeks later I was asked into my boss's office where he asked if I remember a call with anyone cursing and he had to lead me because...yeah it was a few weeks before. But it finally clicked and I said point blank "I remember some colorful language from a security guard, but in no way shape or form did I believe it was directed at me."

Another one I'll let go: IT training places like New Horizons? (This one is specific for them, but I'm guessing other places like that are probably the same.) They won't pay the trainers unless they get at least one positive review. So if you go to something for that and the trainer sucked ass, if everyone leaves without doing the review...they don't get paid that week. I figured that out pretty quick and tricked one of the trainers into confirming it. Some of them just happened to be passing out candy every time before that review...

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