What's the fastest time you've hooked up with someone you just met?

23rd? Birthday party. I had a work event I had to go to early in the evening so I just told people to show up at my house and start my birthday party without me.

I get home about an hour after the party starts and there's a woman standing outside my apartment. She's older, mid 30s, but definitely cute. So I bring her upstairs, say hi to my friends, grab two beers sit down with her and before I can 5 words we're going at it.

I must have been putting out something that night cause at the work event it was co-workers and family. I went outside for a smoke at one point and bunch of co-workers and their families are out there. One girl named Lisa had invited her mother, father and little brother.

I joined the circle of people that were talking, standing directly across from Lisa, and directly next to her mother. All the sudden I feel someone just grab a big ol' handful of my tight, shapely ass. Turns out it's Lisa's mom who's standing in the middle of me and her husband. So I'm there staring down Lisa as her mom is groping me from behind and all I can do is go stone faced in the hopes of not destroying this girl's family.

/r/AskMen Thread