What's a memory from your childhood that sticks with you despite it being totally mundane and uneventful?

I’m pretty sure this is my earliest memory. I was about four or five and my mom was at work while my dad “watched” me. I have two older brothers who both had short hair. Decided I wanted short hair. Told my dad I wanted a haircut. He said no. So I went back to my room, found a pair of giant, lead ridden scissors, and chopped off my shoulder length hair. Some spots were right down to the scalp. The most vivid part is how I placed all my hair neatly in a ziplock bag. Dad said he realized something was wrong when it got quiet in the house. Mom lost it of course. Dad was surprised I didn’t chop an ear off. Hair dresser did her best. Went on my first trip to Disney world two weeks later and all of our fam pics look absurd. Took a year for it to grow back. Sorry Mom.

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