What's the most corrupt thing you've witnessed your employer do?

We were asked to ‘volunteer’ to do unpaid hours since our head boss didn’t allow overtime- but constantly gave us more work than we could do in the 40 hours. If we refused to do it then there was a lot of gossip about how we weren’t being a ‘team player’ or ‘supporting the family’. Or they would pester you over and over to stay. I did so many unpaid overtime. My boss would tell us what to do outside of work life- ‘I don’t want you hanging out with these people, it looks inappropriate, block this person, you can’t talk to them’ and coworkers would try to police how I handled my college work (‘you can’t go out with your bf tonight, you have homework and had to leave work early remember?’ Cause God forbid I try to prioritize school and take time for myself). A few times we got ‘overtime’ but instead of actually getting the overtime pay it got counted as holiday hours. A few times they accused me of cheating on my bf because I was friends with a guy (who was friends with my bf) and they didn’t think girls could be friends with guys when they’re over a certain age..

I left that job last month. Best decision I ever made.

/r/AskReddit Thread