Whats the most dangerous thing you'v'e done, accidentally or on purpose ?

There was a big abandoned hospital near to where I lived and I decided to explore it with my friends, we were 15 and drinking, half of us decided to climb on the roof because inside of was scary as fuck, pitch black, old hospital chairs, beds etc. Freaky shit. Whilst on the roof we found some tiles and decided it was best to launch them at the windows across the courtyard opposite where we thought our friends were, they weren't. The tiles start smashing through the windows and we hear screams and shouts, it wasn't our friends it sound like adults, maybe druggies maybe tramps I dunno we shit ourselves rang our pals to tell them to get out! When we were trying to find a way down from the roof as fast as possible and my friend mistakenly stood on a roof-light fell through and broke her back.

/r/AskReddit Thread