Whats the most fucked up thing you've witnessed? [Serious] NSFW

for some reason i am prone to witnessing car accidents, or just being one of the first on the scene.

the worst was a guy on a motorcycle. some dumb bitch turned left in front of him instead of yeilding the right of way, and he slammed into the side of her car doing 50mph. that shit caught him like a glove. he was so fucked up and none of us knew what to do. he had a helmet on and it was in one piece so we couldnt see his face. i didnt want to take it off. he started choking on his own blood(i assume). he was gurgling and whatnot. i know you arent supposed to move people that could have spinal injuries and shit but i thought if we turned him on his side very carefully he might at least not drown. it didnt help, or maybe we made it worse, but he died a few mins alter.

another that stands out. i was about half a block behind an old jeep that had a dude and his teenage son in it. the top was off but it had roll bars, which probably saved the kid's life. as they went through their green light a dipshit in a pickup truck ran his red light and tboned them. the posted speed limit for both roads is 45mph but i wouldnt be surprised if they were both going a little faster. anyways, the jeep spins and starts rolling. the dad is tossed up in the air and lands hard in the middle of the street. the truck flew off the road and into the empty parking lot. i get over there, along with a couple of other guys, and we find the kid trying to desperately get out of the jeep but he is all tangled up in some cords and seatbelts and shit. there's blood coming from the top of his head and he's clearly dazed. he wouldnt settle down so i helped him get loose and made him sit on the side walk. i could hear his dad snoring super loud. he was alive but knocked out. i go over and check on the douche in the truck and he is bleeding like crazy from his arm, but one of the other samaritans was tying it up for him. i walk over to the dad and he's starting ot wake up, asking for his son. we tell him that his son is a little banged up but otherwise ok, and dont worry about him. the dad tries to sit up at this point and the skin on the back of his head is just hanging off. imagine if someone tried to scalp the back of your head and left it attached at the base of your neck. that's pretty much what it looked like.

sorry for the wall of text, but you asked for it.

/r/AskReddit Thread