What's the most out of touch thing you've heard a person say?


"This task requires the use of a smartphone"

"He's black, but he's very nice"

"Incels can't get laid because they're bad people from the start"

"This area south of the river..."

"If women want to work, that's fine by me, I'd love to stay at home doing nothing"

"I wish I could have those problems (that rich people) have" (I know this sounds like I'm the out of touch one here, but I've met people who think that anyone who earns over a certain amount has the same amount of money and that people with money don't have any problems).

"You look like a homeless person" (yes, it's a thing, but a bad thing to say out loud).

"If you want to film there, just get a liscence"

"Don't pirate or share, buy (this really expensive piece of software) instead"

"You can't let your group use your dslr camera because we care about equality. Now let me tell you about the filthy rich foreign students we once had who filmed their project abroad"

"If you can't get work, just claim you have depression"

/r/AskReddit Thread