What's one thing you want to know, but at this point are too afraid to ask?

Years will pass and this whole comment will seem silly, but at the time, justified. There is nothing wrong with being alone, but we definitely evolved to seek out companionship in some fashion.

It took me 4-5 years to get over my big ex. It was 2009 when things ended between us. Looking back, I get why it took so long and why I felt the way I did, but it also seems so silly. There is so much life ahead of you. At this point, you can't comprehend it, but it will come. No one will ever share a life with me the way I shared mine with her, but I'm so glad I got to experience it. The loss sucked a lot, but I have grown so much from the whole experience. I like the analogy of an orchid growing out of the mud. We are all beautiful orchids that have to rise out of the ugly sludge that can be life.

I did the same casual dating for a while. Someone will come along and when they do, you need to have let go of this past relationship. They are no longer who they were when you fell in love and neither are you.

You need to take this time to be alone and reflect, but don't ever think that that is it for you. I could pelt you with clichés, but those are just words. It's not until you're ready for them do they gain actual meaning.

There is nothing wrong with being alone, but if that is your path then you must move forward. You cannot stay stagnant and say you're happy with being alone. Those people that do prefer to be alone don't dwell on the past and say that is why they are alone. That is not my path in life, so I don't know what pushes them, but something does.

From one human to another who is suffering, I love you. We are all in this thing called life together. We may all be different, but the majority of us share in our suffering and because of that, we are closer than you are to the ground beneath your feet.

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