What's a polarizing social issue you're completely on the fence about?

I'll preface this by saying I don't know what the answer is to this, but I'm trying to gain understanding of both sides myself.

Let's just say it is a mental disorder, like body dysmorphia.

With other mental disorders, we tend to treat the issue or manage the symptoms to allow them to function/be "normal" (subjective definition).

Now with transgenderism, allowing them to go through the surgery and hormone replacement allows them to live out the disorder instead of finding out the cause of it. We don't tell skitzophrenics that the voices in their head are real and to be believed, we try to minimise it.

Suicide rates for Trans people is high compared to the population, and still stay high after the surgery. Who knows whether this is because they can't fit into society, or they don't find happiness in their new body and something else is at play.

There doesn't seem to be across the board agreement on how to handle it, and yet there is a push to allow kids to start the procedure before they go through puberty.

Studies can be found to back both sides of the argument, but I'm reserved on giving the greenlight to allow kids to go through the steps as they could easily be going through a phase or not aware of the impact it'll have on their life.

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