What's a secret you won't share with anyone in person, but you are willing to share anonymously?

I used to worry about this stuff, and I hope what I am going to write will help you.

I’m not totally religious, but I believe in some kind of unifying energy. God, the universal constant, whatever you will. Something.

But more than that I believe in experience. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel you ribs expanding. Smell the air.

That was an experience.

Life is filled with moments like these. They are all experiences. Life doesn’t have to be some grand story. Life is amazing because it’s made of all the little things.

The way rain makes green leaves look brighter. That funny video on YouTube that makes you laugh till you cry. That cool dream you had the other night.

That is part of our experience. What happens after? That’s an experience too :)

Try writing three positive moments that you experience a day. It’s an exercise that will help you remember to notice those moments and help you think more positively :)

Take it from someone who can literally turn anything positive into a negative! Or at least, I used to. I’m much happier being positive.

I hope you have a great night, and a lovely day tomorrow :)

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