What's a secret you won't share with anyone in person, but you are willing to share anonymously?

I consider this to be my deepest and darkest secret so I'll just come out and say. I am a pedophile. I'm sexually attracted to underage boys. It is an absolutely horrendous fact about myself that I pray nobody will ever find out about. It's an attraction that I pray I will never act upon. Morally, I am a good person and would never wish harm upon anyone. Society tells me that I'm a monster and most days I would agree, even with how much effort I put into suppressing these urges. Most people in the world would agree that I should kill myself and most days I have trouble keeping that from being a reality. I have a dark secret that I can't share with anyone and it just keeps building and building and building. One day I may blow up. More than anything, I wish I could talk to someone about this. I wish I could confide in a professional who could help me deal with this and help me to not act on it. Most doctors are required to report this though, so I have nobody to talk to. Nobody to help me. I hate this part of me, more than anything. The saddest part, is that I assure you there are so many more like me out there, maybe some of you are reading this now. There is no support system for people who feel this way and no way for them to get help. Child molestation could be vastly reduced, if there was someone that these people could turn to, before they become monsters.

/r/AskReddit Thread