What's the shittiest thing an employer has ever done to you?

So its going to sound like I'm bragging; I'm not. Just trying to give some context for why this pissed me off so royally.

I'm a hard worker, dammit. Every job I've had I've done my level best at because to me that was always what was expected. I'm at college now but I'm still on payroll at my last job (warehouse, in case you're curious) for when I'm on breaks because my bosses liked me so much.

Anyway, my first job was teaching tennis to little kids. I did this for two summers. The second summer I really needed the cash, so I asked my bosses for extra hours. Nobody else wanted them anyway, so they gave them to me, gladly. I was working 7.5 hours a day and playing tennis for another 4, and having a blast the whole time. I taught the earliest morning class, and one of my duties was working the desk and closing up at night, so I was usually first one there and last to leave. While locking up the building one night, I started to walk outside when I realized that I'd locked the keys in the office but I hadn't locked the crashbars. Not wanting to call my boss, who had the only spare key set, I took stock of my options. I remembered that the crashbar key was actually just a medium-sized hex bit, I just didn't know exactly what size. I looked up the nearest hardware store on my phone, saw that it was about a mile away. "What the hell" I thought, "I missed conditioning today anyway." So I jogged there, bought one set of metric and one set of Freedom Unit hex keys, jogged back, locked the crashbar (shareefdon'tlikeit ) and drove home.

The next day I came in and informed my boss that I'd been gone for about 20 minutes, and explained why. Now, it's important to mention here that for reasons unbeknownst to me, she really, really did not like me, and I sincerely do not know why. She asked why I didn't just call her, sounding apologetic, and I said I didn't want to bother her. She said that it was nice of me to be considerate.

About half an hour later they came in and told me that they were giving the office spot to someone else. I was understandably irked since it was close to half of my hours, gone like that, after going above and beyond the night prior. They claimed they needed to distribute it to other coaches. I said fair enough, maybe I do have too many hours.

But then they kept cutting me. When I finally quit, I was down to 4 hours a WEEK. Meanwhile all the other instructors were working at least 4 a day. Finally left for a job I hated, and I'm still bitter, because I loved teaching.

/r/AskReddit Thread