Whats the single most powerful, belief shattering video that would really make someone question their religion?

Why I am No Longer a Christian, Evid3nc3.

This is a very even handed, well put together, and well-researched story of one man's journey from born-again christian to a Bayesean Rationalist naturalist. It's very emotionally moving, and I'd recommend watching it. It totals about two hours and change in length. His story is very similar to mine, but as I don't have beautiful music or illustrations, I just point people at his videos.

Specifically, I'd recommend this video and this one from the series, explaining where the modern conception of the Biblical God came from.

Dealing with Religion, Gods, Skepticism, and Epistemology


QualiaSoup and TheraminTrees



  • The Real God: An Epiphany [7:00] Describes the difference between rejecting an actual god, and rejecting a story.
  • Christian Justice [6:29] Explains why the doctrine of subsitutionary atonement is absurd and barbaric.
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