What's some juicy gossip you just found out in your personal lives?

Ran into my sister-in-law’s sister out at dinner. Said sister is the same age as me, and had a little 7 year old boy with her.

Turns out the little boy was hers, who she had in high school, and her family has been desperately trying to hide the child (which is of course awful for the poor boy).

The thing is, my sister-in-law is an extremely judgmental, all-around awful human being who never fails to create problems out of thin air.

Was just an odd testament to the old adage “it’s always the one with dirty hands pointing the fingers”

Not that anyone has to live their life a certain way, but considering the amount of flak my other siblings and I have had to deal with because of drama created by our strange sister-in-Law, this was all too ironic.

My siblings and I have all done well for ourselves, graduated from highly ranked universities and or completed/headed for graduate school.

While we all got to where we were going in spite of her attempts to make our lives more difficult—I can’t help but think, maybe she should’ve been more concerned about her own siblings.

/r/AskReddit Thread