What's some popular self-care/self-love advice that is actually really toxic?

Get this a lot at work , the business is trying to do mental health awareness through what they call wellness action plans or WAP (I know they really didn't check if WAP stood for anything else) , they say its ok not to be OK, and we can talk if we are feeling down.

Every Monday we have to give a score of how we are feeling out of 10, sometimes I just don't feel ok, depression and social anxiety will do that, don't get me wrong its a lot more manageable with meds and therapy.

So I give a low score and get asked for an explanation, I respond truthfully advising "today is just a low day for me , I just need time to work through it , I will be fine also a lot of emails are coming through, there's a lot of meetings that are not productive and we're being asked a lot outside of our role I just feel that we can't get much done" I then get pulled up by my manager advising "everyones busy and we all feel down, you need to think positive" , I say "look the business advises they want us to talk about this and mental health, my mind sometimes goes to low places and I have low self worth, I'm sorry", so because of this I just say I'm fine now its easier but even when I do that sometimes get pulled up by my manager , "you said you were fine but you don't sound it"

The business says they want to step up with mental health , but when someone has general mental health issues they don't work with them , they make you feel like crap for it as we are not "being positive" , I get it I really do , a lack of positivity may make the business look bad , but this mental health campaign just feels like the business saying " look at all the nice things we are doing for them people , we are so nice and open with our employees " when in practice it feels more like "oh god they are sad again, boo hoo , oh god they want to talk to me about it , just shut up and smile" lol

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