What's something people complain about that you just do NOT have any sympathy for?

Thats similar to what drives me crazy. Like I get, there's totally people out there who got dealt a shitty lot in life. Grew up in poverty, no real education options, went to schools that were little more than daycare prisons, crackhead parents, etc... etc... They never had the same opportunities to be anything. I get it.

However, I know so many people who are for all intents just losers of their own making. Had normal working parents who loved them and did their best, went to safe and mediocre public schools, and most went to college of some kind. They've done absolutely fuck all with their lives and its seemingly endemic. My home town high school social circle is close to 40 years old. There's still tons of people living at home with their parents, working the same McJobs, and doing the same shit we were doing at 16. It's like an entire town cast into a Kevin Smith film.

It's always the same conversation too:
"Oh woe is me, my generation is doomed. I'll never get a real job, or have a house here or start my life"

-- "Yeah, I mean you're not wrong man. Only thing left here is random niche gov't jobs, chain restaurants, and pissing in bottles at the Amazon fulfillment center."

"Yeah! The world is so unfair"

-- "... you could leave?"

"I don't have a job or any money, no one wants to pay a living wage!"

-- "Yeah, not here they don't"

"Its so hopeless, I should stop caring"

-- "Bro, you have a 4 year college degree, just spent like 300 bucks on magic cards, and you live with your parents who pay for everything. There's guys who got into this country on a floating door across the ocean, Titanic style, that don't even speak the language and they're surviving. Don't be be afraid to start applying to stuff hundreds of miles away. Hell, I'm sure your parents will probably be happy to front you some cash to get up and running. Maybe you know, sell all this video game / geek shit and get a security deposit"

"<more rambling about politics, despair, and continuous excuses for why nothing will work, repeat ad infinitum>"

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