What's the strangest date you've ever been on?

Years ago at university, I met this girl for coffee. We had some common friends and there seemed some mutual interest between us before the date.

We met and were making small talk. We had similar tastes in music and knew many of the same people. I asked about where she was from and she started talking about her family. This was when it turned odd. She started talking about how she did not know how she could go on if her parents ever died. And then she wouldn't let this topic go the restof the date. I kept trying to change the subject, but she just kept talking about how her parents death was just going to break her and she may have to commit suicide. I asked about their health and apparently they were currently very healthy so this was a hypothetical exercise that just went on and on. When I pointed out that typically children outlive their parents, she almost started welling up with tears thinking about it.

After about an hour of this conversation, I thanked her for her time, paid the bill and noped out of there.

/r/AskReddit Thread