What's a subtle sign of low intelligence?

1- Self harming habits as a way of coping. 2- Keep finding themself in trouble quite often for no solid reason. 3- Having lots of injuries, surgeries and bruises all over the body that are all from different incidents through the entirety of their life against their better judgement rather than a profession or misfortunate. 4- Feeling proud and bragging about all of the 3 above. 5- Poor reading comprehension and making everything about themself. 6- Letting other people talk only to wait their turn to talk rather than listening and believing that they got nothing to learn from anyone else. 7- Arguing in a childish manner and having good faith in name calling to change people’s mind upon losing debates.
8- When feeling down or insecure being entitled to taking it on random people that got nothing to do with it and expecting it to be excused. 9- Over simplying everything into black and white and enforcing their morals over other people. 10- Allowing themself no room for having doubt about being wrong on any subject.

The list can go on and I might add more later.

/r/AskReddit Thread