Whats the worst reason someone got fired from your job?

A manager at a place that employed "at risk" youth.

  • Dragged one of her subordinates to Scientology and was the one who actually took his money for the services rendered (fun fact, Scientologists who bring in new people actually get a 10% commission on anything they pay for, so there was personal gain)

  • When another young person almost violently lost their shit after a stranger insulted his mother, she decided that the best thing to do would be to get a circle of his co-workers (also vulnerable youth) to stand around him and hurl insults until he was "desensitised". This is also a Scientology thing. Mercifully it never happened, the person she ordered to arrange this reported it to HR.

  • Tried to pressure a young person into signing new contract with a substantial pay cut. When they refused, she claimed he had signed it and put it through anyway. This was the same person from the first point. This was the last straw and that was the end of her.

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