What's the worst wedding you've ever been to and why?

the wedding wasn't horrible or anything it was actually very enjoyable and the bride and groom clearly loved (and still love) each other but there quite a few very awkward moments. the groom was my mother's cousin and he and his now wife asked my dad to host the wedding. The groom/my side are Indian hindus and the bride and her side were Slovak catholics. My dad in his opening speech proceeded to make some very awkward sex jokes involving catholicism.

later, when the groom was speaking, he talked about how "technically" this was the third time he and his wife were getting married bc the 1st was the courthouse registration to get their marriage license, the 2nd was the catholic ceremony done the day before and the 3rd was the hindu one done on that day. A huge chunk of family on both sides got annoyed and offended by this.

But otherwise it was a nice time for everyone and I had fun.

/r/AskWomen Thread