What's your favorite part of modern society? Despite all the fucked up aspects of today's world.. what do you love most about our world right now?

Maybe I'm just delusional, but I'm beginning to think that this dumpster fire of an election is actually bringing a big part of the US population together. United in irritation, I guess.

There are plenty of problems in America and the world. Addressing & solving those problems will be the struggle of this generation and the next. But solutions will require knowledge, first and foremost. Fortunately, knowledge is more accessible than ever. And despite the easily pessimistic view of many others - I firmly believe we are getting smarter as a people.

The internet has forever altered Democracy - hopefully providing a platform for the people to voice issues, free from the suppression of outside groups. It has created a sizable base of educated voters and opened the door to outside information - information that is often critical of the US. People can learn and choose and debate for themselves. I'd argue we are more "free" now than at any point in American history.

On top of that, self-driving cars are here, cancer research is progressing, crime is low, the economy is moving, and entertainment is abundant. People are educating themselves on social issues. Groups who have faced ridicule for centuries are being accepted openly. World leaders are using deliberations instead of bombs.

And don't forget the approaching race to Mars. The positive implications and possibilities brought by interplanetary travel is fucking astounding. The future is happening in front of our eyes - and I think it's happening faster than anyone could have possibly imagined.

Anyway, that wraps up my impromptu essay on modern society.

TL;DR: People are getting smarter, regardless of how dumb the kids act.

/r/AskReddit Thread