What's your opinion on the worldwide attention we're getting by the Caitlyn Jenner and Rachel Dolezal stories?

I understand that biologically there is a fundamental difference in the way our bodies run due to hormonal difference. (and other stuff which i am no way educated enough to expand on :p) but i am also saying that if you take away gender norms that society has deemed masculine or feminine I am not sure if i believe that there would be any true difference. You said the internal sense of identity that inspires those constructs isn't a social construct yet many things that we deem feminine were originally intended for males and vice versa. The things we deem masculine and feminine are in fact reactions to the world around us and how we have evolved as a society. There are societies (few but they exist) where homosexuality is the norm and heterosexuality is reserved for reproduction purposes only. There a man would consider another man weird for wanting to sleep with a woman. I believe our internal instincts are in fact entirely comprised of what we perceive around us as we mature and learn to understand the world. You say you give a cis male brain female hormone levels and it's going to react poorly. I say what would that make any of us (this is assuming mtf obviously.) I say we are all boys wanting to be girls and girls wanting to be boys due to what gender roles have led us to believe which category we fit best in. We play political correctness and invent fancy terms such as cis and trans and what not also as part of what our society has deemed suitable and intelligent. Inject every man in the world with female hormones. I am fairly certain that more than just the incredibly small population of people that identify as trans would turn out alright. Vice versa there are many trans people who go without hrt. Wouldn't that in effect be the same thing? I think what i am getting at is we may be biologically different and that is impossible to refute, but idk that ANYTHING that we see as masculine or feminine has anything to do with our inner wiring. I believe in a world where gender roles never developed (which i would also argue is impossible for anyone alive today to conceivably fathom) there would not be much difference with how men and women approach situations. going back to idk the original topic i guess i would say i believe there is a fundamental difference between men and women, but i dont think i believe that a trans child would be able to discern the difference without first being taught what it is that they aren't i.e gender roles

(im just going to say i dont mean to upset anyone and this is just me being more free thinking than anything and also i have no idea what im talking about in regards to biology. I'm an english major and haven't taken a science class since 11th grade. :p )

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