What's your worst camping experience?

Went on a canoe trip down the Colorado river. Started off with an early season heat wave, the bus didn't have A/C and it was way over 100° in the shade. It broke down in Barstow that afternoon and we couldn't find anyone to fix it until the next day. We slept in a parking lot that night and it was still over 100° at 3 am. Sleep would have been welcome but the cockroaches crawling over me kept me awake most of the night.

Woke up at dawn and later met the mayor of Barstow in a diner. He pulled some strings and the Army came out and drove us in one of their buses the rest of the way. Many hours of hurry up and wait later including getting stuck both in Boulder City and at Hoover Dam we were finally on the river. That was nice. Getting 2nd degree sunburn was not. Ended up camping at one spot that was thick with mosquitoes. I think they actually were attracted to mosquito repellent and they easily sucked blood through clothing. It was still insanely hot but to get relief from them I slept in a sleeping bag but it was difficult to breath inside the bag so I applied a lot of repellent and tied the bag tight around my face. After being sleepless the night before I slept really deep. I woke up the next day to a very strange sensation. I had sweated all night long in the bag which was now stuck to every bit of exposed skin. I had difficulty opening my eyes and my face felt really sore and my skin was really tight. One of the guys I came with looked at me and just started laughing. During the night I had been feasted on by the mosquitoes. I had bites on top of bites on top of bites. For fun they tried to count all the bites on my face but gave up after 53. The bites on my eyelids and lips were the worst because they itched so bad and it was difficult to scratch there.

The rest of the trip was pretty miserable with the extreme heat, bugs, getting a deep cut on my hand from a canoe, and the ice running out really early. Although I much prefer my experience to one in our group who ended up with severe sunburn and heat exhaustion. His trip ended in an ambulance.

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