When did you get your life together?

Get my life together... Hmm... Well, I'd like to say it was when I faced an unplanned pregnancy at 23. While I did grow up a lot and learned to budget and fixed things with my boyfriend... We lost our rental home six months after our daughter's birth and at that same time I found out I was again pregnant.

Maybe it was at age 27. We had our three daughters and purchased our first home. But I continued to struggle, health wise, plus had three kids ages 3 and under. I was too tired to have anything together.

I was starting to think it's now. Kids are all school age. I get to sleep more. Got my health issues under control.... But Saturday my husband broke down and our oldest currently has a tooth infection plus is in therapy for anxiety and I'm trying to hold things together for everyone. I'm 31. I'm happily married, get the bills paid, have great kids, friends I see regularly but all any of us can agree on is... Despite appearances... We are still wondering when we will feel like we have our life together.

Best wishes to you. Though I still am a mess in some ways, progress has been made, I've learned to just accept that feeling confident in having things together is rare and keep pushing forward. Cause life has its ups and downs continously. Pushing through the hard to get back to the good is preferable to giving up and ending up hospitalized or worse... I've tried both. Hang in there!

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