When was the moment you realized that your best friend wasn't your best friend?

When I met the love of my life and she was anything but happy for me because it meant I’d have less time to get sucked into the vacuum that was her fragile ego. My boyfriend is a storybook man who is nothing but kind and considerate and has treated me like a damn goddess our entire relationship, but I was never allowed to bring him up in conversation because it would piss her off. She, on the other hand, ONLY TALKED ABOUT HER BOYFRIEND 24/7. I hate being the person who constantly blathers on about their SO, but once we moved in together, most of the stuff I would want to tell her vaguely had to do with him. We were forming our life together and I wasn’t allowed to tell my “best friend” about any of it because at any moment it could start a blow up. When I confronted her about it during a fight, she boiled it down to “Oh so I guess I’m a monster and you’re just a perfect person” Other topics that weren’t allowed were death, my eating disorder, past trauma, ex boyfriends, and my childhood. That made a clear path to only talk about her life.

Occasionally she will message me like we are still friends and she didn’t completely break my heart.

I spent so much time telling myself “well you’re just being too sensitive” “grow up” “get over yourself”, but now I have 3 AMAZING friends that have taught me that I deserve to have a best friend that loves and supports me the way I love and support them. And all 3 live my fella.

/r/AskReddit Thread